An engaging, free speaker series featuring UC Santa Barbara professors. This program rotates from the virtual space to some of Santa Barbara’s favorite watering holes.

Upcoming Event


January, 2025

Science and Disasters - An Unusual Pairing with Professor David Valentine

In his talk, Professor Valentine will discuss his atypical approach to science, of using environmental disasters as a leverage point to make basic science relevant. He will (briefly) discuss his interests in fundamental questions about microbes, chemicals and the environment, and then expand to consider a series of disasters/catastrophes that have informed his research. He will include some discussion from his work as an on-site responder to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and on his role in uncovering a tragic history of ocean DDT/waste disposal, among other disasters he has studied. Dave Valentine is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Earth Science at UC Santa Barbara.

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February, 2024

Peter Rupert

Economics Professor Peter Rupert as he explores failed economic policies, and why they occur. This talk will discuss how positive intentions can still lead to poor economic policy, and how this may be explained through understanding incentives.  


November, 2023

Amy Gonzales

Associate Professor Amy Gonzales discusses her research, exploring the various ways to frame the issue of digital access, or the 'digital divide,' in bills proposed to Congress. She will examine how these frames have evolved over time and their connection to partisan support and the likelihood of a bill becoming law.

March, 2023

Amy Boddy

Professor Boddy discusses shared health vulnerabilities of female animals across the tree of life. This talk will discuss how observing animal health can provide new insights and innovations to women’s health, including diseases such as cancer, pre-eclampsia and infertility.

January, 2023

Joe Walther

The Director of UCSB’s Center for Information Technology and Society (CITS), Joe Walther, invites you to learn about the Center's research on fake news. Take a dive into its recent experiment on the influence of getting ♥’s on people’s belief in fake news, and the dark corners where research on the power of online social.
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October, 2022

Dr. Conroy-Beam

Dr. Conroy-Beam presented the psychology of romantic relationships. This talk discussed how computer simulations shed light on how people choose their romantic partners and how these models can help people form happier relationships.

April, 2022

All Gaucho Reunion Prof Slam

Inspired by UCSB Graduate Division’s wildly popular Grad Slam, Prof Slam challenged eight UCSB professors to share — in an entertaining, interesting, and digestible way — their research in just three minutes!
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November, 2021

Stephanie Hom

This November, tune in once again to Profs at the Pub! This edition features Assistant Professor of Transnational Italian Studies, Stephanie Hom, as she presents "Teaching the Pandemic: Italy in the Age of Coronavirus." Join Professor Hom in a discussion around the teaching of the pandemic through the experience of Italy, one of the first countries hit by the coronavirus.
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July, 2021

David Walker

Join Associate Professor of Religious Studies, David Walker, as he delves into P.T. Barnum's theories of ritual and religion. Follow along as Professor Walker details the lives of spiritualists, magicians, and more. Learn the history of popular performance via the recording of this event.
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April, 2021

Tania Israel

Join fellow alumni in listening to an engaging talk, led by Professor of Counseling Psychology; Tania Israel. Learn about her book Beyond Your Bubble: How to Connect Across the Political Divide: Skills and Strategies for Conversations That Work. Hear from the author herself as she offers tools to increase understanding in an increasingly polarized society. The talk will be led by Professor Israel and will be followed by a moderated Q&A session. Learn more about Tania by visiting her website.
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February, 2021

Aashish Mehta

Public universities increasingly restrict entry into the highest-demand majors. This talk will analyze the effects of these restrictions at four UC campuses, demonstrating that they disproportionately filter out students from under-represented minority groups and lower-income families. Aashish Mehta is an Associate Professor of Global Studies at UC Santa Barbara. He studies employment patterns around the world, their relationship with globalization, and their implications for equitable development through education and work.
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